About CBS

CBS has been serving the meat industry for over 20 years.

CBS is an Australian Owned and operated business.

In 1987 Ricky & Jacqui Hart purchased Victorian Butchers Supplies in North Melbourne. Complete Butcher Supplies was the new trading company that was formed in 1987.

CBS mainly focused on trading in the Western and Northern suburbs of Melbourne as it was a brother and sister team they both were a jack of all trades operation repping, delivering, running the warehouse and office so they could make sure the focus was on service.

After the first ten years the business started to grow rapidly with Leigh Carpenter joining the company. Leigh helped the business develop into one of the biggest Butcher Supplies Company servicing the Melbourne Metro Regions. Leigh became a director of the company and now managers the day to day running of the Company.

CBS is the major distributor in Victoria for Flavour Makers, Quality Ingredients, Durants and Wiberg.